Storytelling is the most effective part of marketing

Hey! Welcome back! This new blog series is about marketing. I love this quote by Seth Godin. It’s what I believe about marketing. Back when I first started my sales and marketing career, we were taught to “sell the benefits” of a product or service...

Clarity comes from Order (Part 3)

Good morning! It’s April. Today is part 3 of my blog series called “I can see clearly now” (part 3). This is the final message in this series. It’s about gaining clarity in your life and/or your business. Clarity comes from ORDER. This is about...

Gain Clarity by Listening to Your Intuition (Part 2)

  Last week, I shared with you that clarity is a decision.  This week is about gaining clarity by paying attention to our intuition. Your intuition is a gut feeling that is sending your body a signal that helps you move from confusion to clarity. The signal feels like...

Clarity is a Decision (Part 1)

Have you ever gone through a time when you just weren’t clear on what to do next? A time of uncertainty. When things didn’t go as you had planned, when you are on the edge of change, or a breakthrough?   My Clarity Story… In August 2012, I...

My Star Wars Hair Story & 2 Star Wars Success Secrets

(Left: April Yvette in the middle wearing Star Wars- Princess Leia braids, mom, dad and my 3 brothers at church in 1982. Right: Princess Leia from Star Wars)   The new Star Wars: The Force Awakens Movie will be in theaters across America this weekend. I...

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