We Receive what we BELIEVE (Success Truth #3)

Hey it’s April. Welcome back! I could not sleep last night. I woke up at 3 am thinking about the importance of today’s message. This has profoundly changed my life. Success Truth #3: “We Receive What We BELIEVE”.   We are literally...

Energy does not lie (Success Truth #2)

Welcome back! This is my new blog series called “Making 2017 Your Most Amazing Year Ever”. I’ve discovered 5 core success principles for achieving nearly any goal or dream this year. This week, I’m sharing… Success Truth #2: “Energy...

(Photo) I was fat and I’ve lost 28 lbs. The REAL cause of weight gain

Hey It’s April. Happy New Year! Like most of us, you’ve probably set a goal or new year resolution and 12 months later you still had not reached your goal. This happens to me too. I’ve discovered that external problems require an internal solution (a...

The REAL work you were born to do? (2 of 3)

I’m continuing my new blog series called… “It’s Time. You are ready. Go.” If you’ve felt a strong, relentless inner nudge within to change, grow, or expand some area of your life, then that is a good sign you are ready. You are...

As Seen On:SharkTank FoxNewsIndyStar NBCDaytimeflorida-todayLATimes

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