April I'm enough

Sometimes our decisions and behaviors are motivated by a deep lizard brain fear (“Lack & Scarcity” mode) and we don’t even realize it.

True Story…

I use to buy knock off designer purses and I love them. But I really Iove a good deal. The truth is I secretly wanted the lavish lifestyle of the women I saw on “The Real Housewives of Orange County” and “Beverly Hills”. But I didn’t have a millionaire husband or a million dollar business so I think the purse somehow made me feel like I could fit in with this group on a budget.

The psychology behind all this explains why this happened to me and many other women.

One of the six human needs is love & connection. Human beings will take desperate measures to make sure we feel worthy of love and acceptance by our peers. But the truth is we aren’t fooling anyone. People can feel intuitively if someone is struggling with confidence and worthiness regardless of what they wear or drive. Even people who are wealthy can struggle with these fears. It’s a place of “never enough” and that leads to unhappiness.

My own fears caused me to spend many years searching for external things to prove my worthiness and value as a human being. Things like “knock off” designer purses, awards, important sounding titles, my Mercedes Benz (don’t have it anymore), “name dropping”, “clever” market ideas that came from my head rather than my heart and more. Yikes!

However, after doing a lot of spiritual work, I went from a place of battling
feelings of unworthiness to feeling whole and totally confident with who I am! I no longer care about what people think. We are all worthy and valuable right now… with or without “stuff”.


You might be thinking… does this mean I should never buy a designer purse

or luxury car?

Not at all! It’s all about your true intention behind WHY you are buying it. For example…

– Do you have a deep appreciation for the feel and smell of soft Italian leather?
– Do you love quality and not having to worry about the strap on your purse breaking two months after you buy it?
– Do you love what a brand stands for?
– Can you afford the real thing and still pay all your bills easily without adding
to a mountain of credit card debt….OR maybe you’ve save up to treat
yourself to something special?

Then by all means, get it and enjoy it!

Here’s a test I use for every purchase. It keeps my ego in check.

Before you buy something ask yourself this question…

“If I were on a deserted island alone and no one would ever see me
wearing (driving, etc) this _____(thing)____. Would I still want to
buy it right now?”
If your answer is yes, you are motivated by true appreciation

rather than fear. Yeah!

I love you just the way you are right now,
April Yvette


As Seen On:SharkTank FoxNewsIndyStar NBCDaytimeflorida-todayLATimes

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