Confidence is a way of being. It’s an energy that people can feel instinctively.

Being confident determines your level of influence on other people.

Your influence level on others determines how many people will say “Yes” to you.


True story
Several years ago, I was working for a large national company. My job was to generate sales leads for the entire company. The industry I was in was going through a challenging time. So the company decided to make some pay cuts.

My boss walked into my office and asked me to sign a paper to agree to a pay cut. At first, I was really upset. I sat at my desk for half the day thinking over my response.

I didn’t get mad. I didn’t complain and gossip to other employees about the pay cuts. Instead of signing the paper and agreeing to the pay cut; I decided to confidently make a case for why my pay should NOT be cut.

I started by printing out the previous four months worth of sales documents from the company computer system. Then I added up all the sales I had personally generated for the company each month.

I walked into my bosses office with confidence, a positive attitude and began presenting my case. First, I showed him seven thank you notes and emails I had received from customers and referral partners. Then, I showed him the printouts for the sales I had generated. He could see right there in black and white that I had produced multi-millions of dollars in revenue for the company.

He looked over everything and said, “YES, I agree to keep your salary and commission the same. Thanks for all your hard work.” Then he took that “pay cut” piece of paper, tore it up and threw it in the trash can. He said it was clear my pay should not be cut.

What I learned from that experience is this…
Excellence Builds Confidence.

When we do our job with excellence and meaning. When we have a positive attitude. When we give excellent customer service. When we go above and beyond. When we always meet or exceed our company goals. This builds confidence. And confidence empowers you to take a stand for yourself and others. (this includes entrepreneurs)

If I had been slacking off or not making my goals, I would not have had the confidence to ask my boss to not cut my pay. Thankfully, I did.

Your confidence is direct proportion to your level of excellence.

On a scale of 1 -10, 10 being highest)
Rate your level of excellence in all you do.
Much love,

April Morris 3


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“This Is Success- a 20 year relentless climb

to success reveals 7 life changing truth’s”

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