
Welcome back! This is my “Ask April” series where our blog
subscribers submit a question and I share my best advice.Today, I’m answering Question #2.

“I have been going to start a blog for SIX YEARS! I know once I start I cannot stop or it will fail. Are there any questions I can ask myself to determine why I am so dang stuck?” – Rebecca/Retired Nurse/USA


Reply from: April

Dear Rebecca,

Great question! Anytime we decide to pursue a calling, a goal, or a dream we are always met with resistance. It’s our job to recognize resistance when it shows up and press past it.

“Resistance is a repelling force. It’s negative. Its aim is to shove us away, distract us, prevent us from doing our work.”, says Steven Pressfield author of “Do the Work”


Writing (or any creative endeavor) is an act of courage and it takes a willingness to be vulnerable. Allowing yourself to be SEEN and HEARD can trigger fear which is resistance.

When you said, “Once I start, I know I can’t stop or it will fail.”,
that tells me you likely have a “Fear of Failure”. And that could be
the root cause of not starting your blog. I’ve struggled with this fear too.

When you said, “I know I can’t stop”. There may be some fear that it
will “take a lot of time” and this could trigger feelings of overwhelm.

But only you know what is holding you back from starting.

However, you can over come this fear and resistance and start your blog.


But first, here are…

5 Reason’s WHY we don’t take action on our calling, desires, goals, ideas and dreams and how to take action now.

I’ve included some questions you can ask yourself to gain clarity
and press past fear and resistance and finally take action.


1. FEAR  is the #1 reason why we don’t take action.
Fear of failure
Fear of the unknown
Fear of not being loved
Fear of rejection
Fear of being seen- your authentic selfAsk yourself this question:

“What is it that I’m so afraid of?” 

“WHY do I want to start a blog?” (or whatever you want to start?)

Having a compelling reason WHY you want to do something will
pull you forward to do it.


2. Limiting beliefs (list of common limiting beliefs)
I don’t have time
I don’t deserve it
I’m too old or too young
I’m not educated enough
I’ve already tried everything
I don’t have enough money
I don’t have enough connections
I don’t have the will power
I’m happy with how things are
You have to have money to make money
It’s selfish of me to want more
I’m non-techy
I’m overweight or I’m underweight

If your beliefs are in conflict with what you say you want It’s like having one foot on the gas peddle and one foot on the brakes. You won’t get very far. Belief conflicts trigger self-sabotaging behaviors.

So you must change the belief and then you’ll naturally want take more action.
Ask yourself this question:

“Are my beliefs in conflict with what I say I want?”

“What must I do and believe in order to be in alignment with what I say I want?”
For examples…  
If your belief is “People are judgemental” or “I am not as creative as I use to be” yet you say you want to start a blog. 
If your belief is “I’m an honest person” and “I’m overweight” yet you are selling weight loss products and you have not lost any weight recently.
(This happened to me a four years ago.) 
3. Self-Sabotaging Behaviors/Getting in your own way
Excuses, fear, blame, judgements, assumptions, over-analyzing, procrastination, being crazy busy, avoidance, overwhelm
The root cause of self-sabotage is fear.Ask yourself this question by Debbie Ford:

“What would I be doing with my life if fear was no longer an excuse?”


4. Lack of Commitment   
Ask yourself this question:

“What would it take for me to be 100% committed
to taking action now on my dream?”

5. It’s just not that important to you


Ask yourself this question:
“On a scale of 1-10 (10 being highest),
how passionate am I about starting a blog? Or starting anything you desire?”  
If your answer is 8 or less. Ask yourself “What would it take to
make this a level 10 passion for me?”

If what you want is less than 8, it may be time to choose something different that will be a level 10 passion for you.

Your next step is to make a firm decision and take one small action towards what you desire now. Not tomorrow or next week. Today.

I hope this was helpful for you. Have a great week!


Much love,

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