Have you ever experienced a time when you were giving and giving
and giving but you felt like you weren’t “getting back to the degree
you were giving”? In relationships or in business?
Or maybe someone made you feel like you “owe” them.
I’ve experienced both of these situations and learned from it.
Here’s what I know for sure…
Having a “You owe me” attitude only hurts YOU in the end.
Having a “You owe me” attitude causes us to feel
fear, resentment, anger and a “victim” mentality
starts to surface. These negative emotions REPEL people.
It causes people to NOT want to help you,
refer you, or give anything to you.
We have no control over what people do or don’t do. We
can only control our own behavior and how we respond.
Setting boundaries for what we give (time, money,
resources, referrals, advice, etc), how much we give,
who we give it too and how long we give it and
Communicating this upfront are key to feeling joy in giving.
Here’s what this quote means to me…
To me, the Sun (mentioned in the quote) represents God’s
unconditional love for each one of us. He truly wants to
give us all that we could ever hope or imagine.
I believe we all have a treasure box with our name on it
stored in the ethers of time.
That treasure box represents your destiny. It is your
highest potential fully materialized.
Inside that treasure box is your hearts desires.
One of the keys to receive what’s your treasure box
is to keep your heart and mind “tuned” to a positive
vibration through feeling love, joy, passion, gratitude,
enthusiasm and peace. These emotions
magnetically ATTRACT people, opportunities,
money and promotion to you.
Yes, we are all human. It’s not likely we will feel
like this 24 hours a day/7 days a week. This is
meant to be a daily practice.
New York Times Best Selling Author
Marianne Williamson says, “The only thing
lacking in any situation is that which you are not giving.”
Therefore, when you forgive and finally let go of old
resentments, bitterness, anger and a victim mentality.
You are restored to feelings of peace, love, gratitude,
joy and enthusiasm. And this energy will cause people
to go out of their way to help you any way they can!
And look what happens with a love like that
It opens your treasure box for you to
Receive all God intended for you to have and more.
Much love,
Change Agent, Blogger, Author, Award-winning Marketing and Sales Expert
Seen on: Shark Tank, NBC, ABC, FOX
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