Hey there,

According to dictionary.com, confident means:
“sure of oneself; having no uncertainty about
one’s own abilities, correctness, successfulness, etc.”

Confidence is a way of being. It’s an energy
that people can feel instinctively.

Being confident determines your
level of influence on other people.

Your influence level on others determines
how many people will say “Yes”
to you.

People can feel instinctively if you
are confident or not confident.
They make instant decisions about
you based on how confident you are.

Your level of confidence determines
if people will…

trust you
believe you
listen to what you have to say
follow your lead
be your friend
hire you
If your boss will promote you
follow you on social media
send you referral
buy your product or service
respect you (including your kids & spouse)
invite you to speak at their event
read your book
read your blog
and so much more.

I would say your happiness is directly connected to
your level of confidence because if effects so many
areas of your life and business.

I’ll be sharing several ways you can
increase your confidence next week.
Plus an inspiring story.


p.s. Subscribe to my blog at www.aprilyvette.com

In friendship,
April Yvette

April Morris 3

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